Dan Nichols
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Greetings all...
woohoo! i can pee AND brush my teeth at the SAME time.......sweeeeeeet!

Dan Nichols is the geetar/piano player for Hop-along the dog.
Let's see a little bit about myself

I'm a liar, im a theif, i am a horrible rotten person and by no means should anyone ever respect me.

But aside from that admittance of my humanity...

I'm still playing guitar and piano in Hop-Along, piano to a larger and better extent this year, but definatley still the both. HOP ALONG TILL I DIE!

Jumpman JR. is back together and better than ever and i think i've gone from having no life to having too much life.

Useless Info.
Who are you: A young college student of 16 that really should be a jounior but alas it is my fate to be here...
Who are you really: Dan Nichols
Age: 17
Where were you born: In a hospitial
Tell us about when you got saved: I was 6 years old, my Mom helped me "say the prayer" but it really wasn't until later that i truly began trying to live my life for God.
Why do you follow God: Because he died for me and because He loves me, and cares for, He makes me smile, and He's always with me and because He is AWESOME!
Favorite Food: suck juice
What instrument do you play:Guitar
What other intruments do you play: Piano, Bass Guitar, trying to learn Harmonica, i mess with Graeme's violin sometimes when im bored...
How did you end up in the band: Chaka was over and he had his violin and like, i was like, "Hey, we should play sometime..."
Where were you from before being at Emmaus: I was from Peotone IL (also known as knowheresville) living with my family (that i miss, HI MOM!)
What are you wearing right now: socks. and nothing else
Favorite TV show: SIMPSONS!
Besides the Simpsons: I hate TV
How long have you skated: about...5 months
Are you better than chaka: Heck no
Favorite Pop Band: THEY ALL SUCK!!!
What is your nickname: Suck Nichols
Why is that your nickname:cause i SUCK so much
Tell me something no one else knows about you: I like to prance around like an idiot....Ladedadeedadadah!!!!!
Why do you have that odd looking chain around your neck: Because, it's supposed to be cool and i want to conform to the standard modern pop culture. (note the sarcasim)
Favorite Band: MxPx
Are you really a punk: if there must be a label attached to me...then yes.
Then why are you in an acoustic violin rock band: Because even tho i am a "punk" i have a wide variety of musical tastes and love making music.
What plans have you for the future: I let God worry about my tommorows.
What other styles of music do you listen to:Oh boy ::deep breath:: Punk, Ska, HardCore, RapCore, Emo, Rock, 80's rock, Metal, Alternative, Classical, Blues, and others i cant think of right now.
Insert something random here: Set Hike!
Tell us about Jakob: He's the overkill punk thats really quite intelligent under his deciving exterior, and is definitely the sexiest and greatest memeber of the band
Tell us about Graeme: Graeme is awesome! He makes me laugh. i wish he'd get a haircut though.
Tell us about Dan: Dan's a psycotic crazy guy that can't spell and needs therapy.
What do you want to do after this project is done: Sleep.
Where do you think your sarcastic attitude came from: From...well...um...er...next question!
Any last words: Love your brothers
Any more last words: gay!!!
Dream Theater
Taking Back Sunday
Counting Crows
Bad Religion

my name is dan...and im a foolis! my name is dan, and im a foolis! my name is daaaaaaan and im a fooooolis! ladededededade!(sung to the tune of "I have an oddly shaped head")